ΓÇó sample sheet with letter & labels from program
ΓÇó 5-sample sheets of 30-up laser labels (Item #76-3x10)
Three major items are on the enclosed disk. They are compressed into a .SEA (self-expanding archive) and represented by the icon with a file cabinet image. When you double-click on CONGRESS.SEA, you will see the following file dialog box.
Select the DESTINATION where you want QwikCONGRESSΓäó to create a folder and expand itself. When you have selected your destination, click the Extract button. You will see a progress bar, and when the expansion is complete a message telling you that the installation was successful.
Inside the QwikCONGRESSΓäó folder you will find the QwikCONGRESSΓäó program, a folder entitled FILES, a self-contained document with How-To-Use instructions that supplement what you read in this manual, and a file entitled Analysis. The Analysis and any other additional text files can be opened by any word processor or text file editor.
Be sure NOT to trash the Files folder. It is a very important part of QwikCONGRESSΓäó. This folder contains the original information, the letterhead information, and any notes that you add to this program. If this folder is not accessible, your program will not operate.
To Start:
Once the expansion of your compressed files is complete, double Click on the QwikCONGRESSΓäó icon.
You will be presented with a registration box to personalize your copy. Enter your "User Name" (name or company name) and tab to the "Registration Code:" box. Your registration code is printed on the label of your disk as a unique serial number. Enter the number exactly as it appears. There are NO spaces in this number. The program checks for a valid registration code and informs you if the number is incorrect. Reenter the correct number.
If you are not ready to use this program or do not have an original copy which contains a valid registration number, you can exit the program by clicking the Quit button.
If you HAVE entered your name and registration code, click the OK button to continue in QwikCONGRESSΓäó.
QwikCONGRESSΓäó was created to give you an easy-to-use lookup tool containing information about each member of the US Congress. With this registered version you can also change or add information, and include notes that can be saved to the original files.
In QwikCONGRESSΓäó you will find the Name, Address, State, District, Party, Terms, Birthday, Committee Assignments, DC Phone, DC Fax, State Phone, State Fax, E-mail address and whether they are serving as a senator or representative in the current Congress.
You can find the members of Congress that you wish to contact and prepare letters, envelopes or labels from within the program.
The Main Screen:
Right under the capitol dome on QwikCONGRESSΓäó you will find the SearchFor: input box. Directly under this box you will find buttons that limit the search to Last Name, State, My Reps, or All Fields.
When you enter a search, all the records that contain a MATCH are displayed in the top right window. Just to the right of Find button you will see the number of records found. When you click on any entry in this Matched Record box, you will see the full details of that record in the lower portion of the QwikCONGRESSΓäó screen.
Selection Options:
Enter any word(s) in the Search For: box and QwikCONGRESSΓäó will select that information subject to the four selection options, Last Name, State, My Reps, and All fields. Three of the four options are self-explanatory. The My Reps option can be set by going to the Search menu and choosing the Find My Reps option. You will see the dialog box below in which you can enter your state and district. If you do not make an entry in the Cong. District: box you will see all members from the state you have entered.
Below the Selection Options is a Find button. When you have entered your Search For: word, press the Find button (or the return key) and the search will begin. To the right of the Find button you will see the number of matches found. The upper right window also displays up to five one-line records for each matching item. A scroll-bar allows you to move up or down any size list of matching records.
One of the matching records is always highlighted. The full details of the currently selected record are shown in the middle portion of the screen. As you move the selection bar up and down the selected records, you will see the information change in this detail area. You will also note that the Selected box is checked when records are found. This box is also useful if you want to ΓÇ£flagΓÇ¥ or mark a name for later reference when you are looking through QwikCONGRESSΓäó .
At the right side of the screen are three buttons, More, New and Save.
The More button gives you a supplementary window that shows additional address information and gives you a place to enter your Notes. Save will include any changes or additions you have made.
The More Info window also provides a place for you to record the term expiration date of that Congress member.
The New button gives you a ΓÇ£newΓÇ¥ blank information card in which you can enter any new member of Congress.
The Save button saves all the additions and changes you have made to your personal QwikCONGRESSΓäó file.
The Search Menu allows you to also select a range of additional options, such as Select All, Delete Record, Delete Word, and to define the letterhead options you wish to use in printing your letters and envelopes.
Preparing Labels and Letters:
After you find and select the names of the persons you wish to contact, go to the printing menu. There are three options:
Printing laser labels (in the popular 3 across by 10 down format), letters, and #10 Envelopes. It is wise to experiment with these print options before you are faced with a deadline assignment. Each option works well if you understand how it functions. Make the proper choices from Page Setup option found under the File menu.
Seeing a Print Preview:
You can always preview your tickets in QwikCONGRESSΓäó. Click on the Print button. When you see this printing specs dialog box, click on the Preview button.
You will see a preview of your letter, envelope or labels. At the lower left corner you will see the page number that is currently being shown. Use the arrows (found next to the page numbers) to move from page to page.
Using this Preview button will save you from wasting unnecessary paper, envelopes and labels.
The first window, which appears when you are ready to print, has buttons for Print All, Test Page, or Cancel.
The next illustration shows a 3x10 label preview of all the currently selected names. If this preview shows what you want, click the box in the upper left corner to close the preview.
For actual printing choose the Print button instead of the Preview button.
When you are ready to prepare your first letter, choose Letters from the Printing menu. This Edit Letter window will appear.
All the text of the sample letter will be selected. If you press the Delete key, all the text of Mike NuddΓÇÖs sample letter will be removed.
If you do not wish to remove an entire letter, you can select line(s) of the letter and press the Delete key.
QwikCONGRESSΓäó does not pretend to be a word processor. It might be more practical to prepare the text you wish to include in your letter outside of QwikCONGRESSΓäó, copy it and paste it into the Edit Letter window. You can also type your letter directly in the Edit Letter window. Experiment and see which of these options work best for you.
You have buttons to print One, All, Cancel or Save. When you choose One or All, you will again see the print dialog box and have the option to Print or Preview your letter. The name of the currently selected representative or senator will be merged at the beginning of your letter. If you choose print All, a letter will be automatically merged and printed for each name on your current selection list.
QwikCONGRESSΓäó will also print envelopes and a custom letterhead. From the Search Menu choose the Letterhead/Misc item. This window will open:
You have the option of printing or not printing a PICT letterhead on your merged letters. To change the PICT art, click in the top window and press the delete key. The window will now be blank. You can now copy your new PICT art and paste it in this window and it will be ready for use any time you click the Use PICT Letterhead button.
You can also change the envelope return address from this same window. The current version of QwikCONGRESSΓäó is designed to print envelopes via a bubble jet printer or laser printer that can feed envelopes from a fixed side guide.
Suggestions and Product Support:
QwikCONGRESSΓäó allows you to change and update the information that comes in each edition. The word list contains an entry for every unique word. As you enter new words this list will be updated.
QwikCONGRESSΓäó is updated on a quarterly schedule to reflect the ever-changing nature of the information it contains. Contact True BASIC for the latest version and upgrade price.
QwikCONGRESSΓäó was created as a direct result of our learning of your needs and requirements. We welcome your suggestions on how future versions of QwikCONGRESSΓäó can be improved.
List your suggestions, corrections, or describe your technical problems and fax this information to us at:
603 298-7015 (24-hour, 365-day access)
We will acknowledge your fax and respond as promptly as possible.